Testing the Radiance Nebulizing Diffuser from Organic Aromas
Posted on 06/09/2024
See the video
Make melt & pour soap with us
Posted on 02/26/2024
Meet My Son
Posted on 02/22/2024
Classes coming soon
Posted on 02/22/2024


From Silence to Speech: A Personal Journey Through Autism, Speaking Truth from Experience
Posted on 01/24/2024
facilitating communication in non-verbal autism As parents of autistic children, we are often tasked with bridging the gap of communication between them and the outside world. But, who bridges the gap for us between our children and ourselves? Many children with autism begin their early lives as nonverbal and some never become verbal. For me, trying everything was important. We began therapy as soon as possible, which for him was when he was 18 months old. I had been told he is losing skills, but autism was not something I suspected. I actually thought my child was deaf. I had his hearing tested 3 times because I could not wrap my mind around why he was not trying to communicate. There were times I honestly believed he could not hear at all because he would not respond to me when I spoke to him. After the 3rd hearing test, it was painfully clear his hearing was better than mine. I began searching for answers, which of course lead me to the diagnosis of Autism. To be…
The Unseen Toll of Compassion: A Nurse's Journey Through Burnout
Posted on 10/03/2024
The Grief of Autism: A Parent’s Journey Through Diagnosis and Acceptance
Posted on 09/14/2024
What is grief? To most, the definition of grief is tied to deep sorrow, often in the context of loss through death. While accurate, grief takes many forms, and its reach extends far beyond the passing of a loved one. The reality is that grief can surface in numerous ways, particularly when life doesn’t unfold the way we envisioned. For many parents, this emotional upheaval comes with the word autism.
The Evolution of Aromatherapy: A Brief Overview of Ancient Practices to Modern Therapeutic Uses
Posted on 08/31/2024